At this point in time...
I'm going to smile,
And know everything will be alright,
I'm going to cry my sorrow filled tears,
And try not to fight,
I'm going to love with all my heart,
And not worry about the consequences,
I'm going to sleep as much as I want,
And day dream whenever I find a moment,
I'm going to thank god for everything in my life,
And not worry about the things I haven't yet grasped.

At this point in time,
I really am blessed,
I am thankful and greatful for all the good and bad,
I will calm my mind and look into my heart,
And know no matter what happens from here on in,
Know that love will get me through,
Whatever the future may hold for me,
I will no longer have regrets,
I will follow my heart and know it's for the best.
If only at this point in time,
I feel at peace with the world,
Then let it be.
I will not fight, I will not cry,
I will not even utter a sigh,
I know instinctively that you are there,
And I know you think of me and that you do really care.


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